Bird Box, Boudoir, and Body Positivity | Louisville, KY

Over the past two and a half weeks I’ve watched Bird Box twice, read thread after thread after thread filled with thoughts, comments, and interpretations explaining the deeper meaning of what this movie is really about. It’s reviews spread like wildfire, so much that even I stopped what I was doing to watch it. I don’t watch many movies, but this one held my attention for sure. Every five minutes I waited in suspense anxiously wanting to know what this thing was that was taking over the town! If you haven’t watched it, go watch it! I won’t describe the details here. Long story short, when I got to the end I was slightly disappointed that this “mysterious thing” that had driven most of society to suicided wasn’t revealed. Where was the opportunity to catch it, destroy it, and make it stop! When could Sandra Bollock, Boy, and Girl live a normal life without fear of being caught in the trance of ultimate doom?

After about a week small businesses began to pitch their right to the #birdbox effect down their timelines. Solo Entrepreneurs would jokingly and seriously express to their communities how they wished people would share their businesses and services with as much enthusiasm, drive, and influence as those who had something to say about Bird Box.

Christians interpreted Bird Box as either walking by faith and not by sight and or explained how important it is to listen to the voice of God and not the enemy.

Other articles said,

“Bird Box is Really About How White People Don’t Want to See Racism”

and another asked

“Is ‘Bird Box’ is about Mental Health”.

So I started to think outside of the box a little and ask myself a few questions about how this movie relates to women, our bodies, and our most private and intimate thoughts.

The average size of an American Woman is a size 16 or 18, but we’ve been conditioned to believe that being skinny is the end all be all to beauty and self love. The truth is, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. We as women, especially those who deal with insecurities with our bodies, need to know that you can put your blindfold on! Change your thought process about how you feel about yourself and begin to love every inch and curve that belongs to you!

The bird sitting on your shoulder should be singing to you, when it becomes flared remove yourself from anything and anyone that has a direct affect on how you feel about yourself!


Because you are Beautiful!

Self Portraits

Inspired by Birdbox

Underwear: Lane Bryant Cacique Intimates

Lipstick: Stunna Lip Paint by Fenty


Behind the Scenes


These are self-portraits, so I used my remote for my camera and ran back and forth in my panniedraws to check the back of the camera to make sure it was in focus every 6 frames.

Lighting - Alien Bee 800 and a beauty dish to modify the light camera left.

And 1000 doses of Confidence!

Curious about boudoir? I’m an expert at shaping your body with light to flatter you at any angle!

Experience Fancy because you are worth it!