There Is No Such Thing As Perfect | Fancy Boudoir Columbia

I started a personal project last year to photograph myself at least once a month. I wanted to do this because I’m always behind the camera focusing on the lives of everyone else and not my own. Every once in a while I’d like to see what my life looks like outside of a selfie too, but people don’t usually remember to take pictures of the photographer. So I decided to take pictures of myself. The challenge with this project is that I can’t really capture myself being me. I don’t know how to be me when I’m watching. Weird right? I know. Instead the project has been more about nailing the perfect lighting, composition, and exposure for the portrait so that I can become a better photographer.

Well today is the first Wednesday of the month, which is when I usually schedule time to do a self portrait and I had the biggest revelation! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PERECT!



This thought popped in my mind like a pimple pops up on the middle of your nose when Mother Nature pays you a visit each month.

Then the next thoughts were


Doing those things aren’t bad, I thought, but it’s too perfect. It’s not that I don’t like to smile, cause I do. But a smile can’t be forced. A smile is something that you do because you feel it. This morning before myself portrait session I felt it. Not because someone told me it would make the picture perfect, but because taking pictures makes me happy. For a second I got lost in thought that would have talked me out of a smile that I thought was to perfect because I was over thinking it.

There is no such thing as perfect when you are thinking about.

All things become perfect when you feel it.

Because feeling emotions serve purpose and spark growth.

Fancy That!


Experience Fancy because you are worth it!