Feminine Energy | Fancy Boudoir Columbia, SC

A few weeks ago I had a chance to travel back to my old studio in Louisville, Studio Always Fancy, for a day of photographing boudoir for my mentee portfolio building session. For this session, I chose a model that I’ve worked with before. Known for her “sexy mom vibes” Chajuana works a 9-5 by day and by passion she is a health coach. She’s coaches with integrity helping women meet their health goals. Honest and real in her approach all while having fun, dancing through her workouts, letting her hair down when she goes out, and celebrating her hard work without the fear of being judged for being too “sexy.” But the person she really is exudes Feminine Energy. I’m not sure if I’ve ever met a woman so in love with herself. Her energy literally made me go home and change some things about myself. I pride myself and my work on helping women discover their feminine energy through photos. Working with her reminded me that I should continue to help other women discover this type of freedom.

Being feminine is to completely connect with your intuition, speaking, and living your truth while letting go of anything that suppresses your internal power. At the peak of feminine energy, you are ok to just be free, creative, and vulnerable. You are one with your sexual desires and you have the ability to release the shame of all insecurities. You mature to owning who you are, where you are, and what you will become. Going with the flow of life is easy when you are one with your feminine energy.

Tapping into feminine energy happens when you decide to let go!

Feminine energy is not what you wear, where you work, or how you eat.

Feminine energy is the freedom of who you are within yourself. “A woman in love with herself is magnetic.” -Abiola Adams

Are you ready to unlock your Feminine Energy? If so, comment with at YES!

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