The Golden Child | Trunetta Atwater Photography
Creator of The Golden Child
Find him doing and being all of the above because he was “Born with a Purpose”
IG @chaney_

In his own words, “You guy’s I started “The Golden Child #BWAP” (BornWithAPurpose) program because I grew up Fatherless, My Mom was a Single parent, and I am the oldest of my siblings. Growing up in the conditions that I was in it was hard for me to get the attention i needed to become a Man! So instead, I looked up to famous musicians and other entertainers and it filled my EGO up in the wrong way. I was walking more by sight than Faith. I destroyed a lot of relationships and because of my actions God finally had the opportunity to talk to me. I devoted my life to God after those tragedies. Now, I walk by Faith and not by Sight. God has blessed me with this opportunity to help serve you guys and to keep your boy’s closer to Him.”
The Golden Child is a kickboxing course to teach your boys to “Train like a Fighter”
Devante leads this class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Fight Shop
The course consists of
Boxing Combinations
Strength and Conditioning
Reflection Time (writing in a journal talking about God, Life, School etc.)
To sign your son up for the Golden Child program, contact Devante on IG @chaney_ or by email at to register
Read more of his story in this month’s OUR JACKSON HOME MAGAZINE